Foden C-type steam lorry. STW.

Seller: Private Seller
Year Built: 2016
Steam Certificate Expiry: January 2021
Hydraulic Expiry: 2026
Location: Cornwall

proffesional advertising
The 6" Foden is one of our favorite engines and over the years we have enjoyed driving a number of different examples. The Steam Traction World versions, when put together properly, are very strong performers and great machines on the open road. When on song these will cruise along at 20-25mph.
This example has a great pedigree being put together by a prolific builder of STW engines, the chaps at STW obviously had a lot of confidence in the builder as he was also asked to build their one. In current ownership, the engine has undergone further improvements and recently proved itself alongside a number of full size engines on a challenging road-run around Cornwall. It has been captured on video here (20:25, 31:30, 56:42)
The boiler is fed by a crankshaft driven pump and steam injector. These have a compound cylinder arrangement as such are considerably easier to fire and maintain steam pressure compared to the double-high versions.
Nothing is required on the engine however, for owners without workshop facilities you have the piece of mind that virtually all the spares are available off the shelf from Steam Traction World.
Viewing is welcomed by genuinely interested parties. More photos will be available shortly. Please note the lamps will be removed before sale.